
Are You Willing to do the Digging?

This morning I woke on fire, ready to get some stuff done around the house, for grad school, and prepare for the week ahead. I spent some time this morning sitting on my back deck with my cup of coffee dreaming of what my back yard might eventually be, and all of my to do…

It’s Easy to be Your Biggest Critic

If someone were to walk up to you right now and tell you that you looked nice, what would be your response? Often mine includes, “well I showered today”. Why? Well, it’s easy to dismiss a compliment because I don’t know how to respond. It always felt cocky, overconfident, or arrogant.  It wasn’t until this…

In Honor Of The Mom

When I first started teaching about villages in a classroom setting, immediately every student would ask about having their mom as part of their own village. Over time I started to really think about mothers being part of one’s village. At first I had a thought process that felt like, “You can’t find any one…

Transition is Tough

I write this blog post on the eve of so many transitions ahead. For the last year and almost a half, I lived in my mom’s house while my house has slowly been transformed. When I moved into her house two days before she ultimately passed, I had no idea about the transitions to come.…

Honoring the Mess

I’m honored to be included on our church’s teaching team and I don’t take it lightly. So when I’m asked to teach to our church, I spend weeks agonizing over how to say things so that people of all walks of life can understand and apply it to their daily lives. Being in the world…

Ask For Help For Goodness’ Sake

I had known that I was BRCA I positive for a little bit. The only reason I knew was that in order for my mom to receive a certain type of chemotherapy, she had to be tested for the gene mutation. When she tested positive for the gene mutation, our oncology team highly recommended that…

Do You Fight Fair?

My undergraduate work was in Communication Studies and I would have probably thought that I communicate with others pretty well.  I was once sitting in a teaching on communication and after the professor asked a series of questions I definitely needed to re-evaluate that statement.  I consistently have to remind myself that “communication is transformational,…

Villager Spotlight: Loyal as the Day is Long

I was watching my college sorority sister, Shannon Morscheck, on her Instagram story. She was talking about how she has a deal with one of her girlfriends that they visit each other’s houses once a week and help with whatever hard chore the other is facing. This week, Shannon was struggling with weeding her garden…

Are you making room for community?

About eight years ago I had left the church that I grew up in and ventured into a new church. Our church offered small groups, which was something new to me. My roommate and I were both looking for people that were like-minded, same age, and could build potential new friendships. So on a Tuesday…

What’s technology doing in your life?

The idea of technology and how it has become a way of coping for a large percentage of people plays out in highlighting some of the underneath issues such as comparison, loneliness, anxiety, and more.  Technology, specifically social media and apps, were deliberately created to get people to engage, click, spend time, and get a…


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