What’s Your Restart Button?

In a recent conversation with a young adult, she shared that she had been avoiding me. Well, being in the line of work I’m in, that doesn’t offend me. Usually I get a little excited because that means there’s hope on the horizon. It’s the start to a new process of change. I’ve been partContinue reading “What’s Your Restart Button?”

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child: Who’s in your kid’s life?

Now that you’ve started to build and be intentional in building your village and villages within different communities that you operate in, now is the time to help others start to examine their own. Because I work with students (primarily middle school, high school, and college students), I can tell you what healthy community canContinue reading “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child: Who’s in your kid’s life?”

Where do your villages live?

Do you have multiple compartments in your life? Have you intentionally built a village in all those different spaces? Think about it for a second. What would it look like to build a healthy village around you in your professional life? What about in your personal life? I have multiple villages like the one IContinue reading “Where do your villages live?”

When is your village in your schedule?

How did you build your best friendship? Did you tell someone that you appreciate of all the qualities you see in them and then continue to only spend time with them when you need something? Of course not. Because relationships are two way communication streets. You wouldn’t treat your best friendship like Santa, asking forContinue reading “When is your village in your schedule?”

Time Spent

This afternoon, snowed dumped down unexpectedly and for a good amount of time. There’s something about the snow that made me reminisce. My mom loved the snow flurries. Her favorite part was opening a bottle of wine in the evening, watching the snow fall and ordering in, which was a big deal in our eatingContinue reading “Time Spent”

What’s Your Why?

From an outside perspective, building a strong community around you is healthy for us as human beings. There are actual benefits to our health when we are intentional in building these relationships around us. According to Northwestern Medicine, they see the benefits include: less stress and more happiness better healing from physical, emotional, and verbalContinue reading “What’s Your Why?”

Call Out the Gold

You’ve spent some time thinking through a group of people that will help you step into your potential, but now what? You need to ask them to help you. You are probably thinking to yourself how I often think about the idea of asking for help — “you’re nuts”! Yes and no. Asking for helpContinue reading “Call Out the Gold”